Paul Reilly is a speaker, sales trainer, and author. Reilly literally wrote the book on Selling Through Tough Times. Paul also coauthored Value-Added Selling, fourth edition (McGraw-Hill, 2018), and hosts The Q and A Sales Podcast. Reilly travels the globe sharing his content-rich message of hope. In his extensive sales career, Reilly has sold through tough times and against tough competition. He is a salesperson at heart and has experienced and overcome the challenges many of you are facing.
Reilly cut his teeth in the commoditized propane industry—a notoriously price-sensitive and competitive market. Reilly competed with dozens of providers selling the same exact product. He sold tools and fasteners in the construction industry during the Great Recession. Toward the tail end of the recession, he earned Master’s Club status from his employer. The Master’s Club is reserved for the top ten percent of sellers company-wide. Reilly also sold medical equipment during one of the most uncertain times in the healthcare industry. In early 2010, the healthcare industry faced unprecedented change, and many ancillary providers and suppliers struggled. Amid this uncertainty, Reilly grew his distribution network and successfully relaunched their brand in a new country.
As a professional speaker and sales trainer, Reilly works with the world’s best sales organizations. These organizations face constant challenges: rolling recessions, industry disruption, difficult competitors, economic downturns, and other geopolitical concerns. Paul’s mission is to help these organizations compete profitably despite their challenging environment. Paul has the pulse of today’s sales professional. On his podcast, The Q and A Sales Podcast, he answers the most pressing questions facing today’s sales professional.
Paul Reilly achieved his CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation in 2020. Fewer than 18 percent of professional speakers have earned this designation. Paul attended the University of Missouri – Columbia, where he earned his undergraduate degree in Business Marketing. He went on to earn his MBA from Webster University. Paul is a frequent contributor to a variety of online and trade magazines. He is also a faculty member of the University of Innovative Distribution—UID.
On a personal note, Paul resides in St. Louis, MO, with his lovely wife and three daughters (he is completely outnumbered). Paul enjoys playing basketball and loves all things golf. He loves practicing golf, playing golf, and even watching golf on TV. If your company meeting involves golf, invite Paul to play (he’ll give you a discount…Not!)